Spotlight Group


Uppgifter per 2024-04-12

Kapitaltäckning Spotlight Group-koncernen

Kärnprimärkapital: instrument och reserver 
Kapitalinstrument och tillhörande överkursfonder43 076 601 kr
   Aktiekapital15 050 828 kr
   Pågënde ännu ej registrerad emission– kr
   Överkursfond28 025 773 kr
Ej utdelade vinstmedel32 444 388 kr
Ackumulerat annat totalt resultat (och andra reserver)– kr
Obeskattade och andra reserver7 276 762 kr
Kärnprimärkapital hänförligt till minoritetsintressen– kr
Delårsresultat                                                                                        – kr
Kärnprimärkapital före lagstiftningsjusteringar82 797 751 kr
Kärnprimärkapital: lagstiftningsjusteringar 
(-) Goodwill-25 967 592 kr
Immateriella tillgångar (netto efter minskning för tillhörande skatteskulder) (negativt belopp)                                                                                        – kr
Uppskjutna skattefordringar som är beroende av framtida lönsamhet                                                                                        – kr
Förluster för innevarande räkneskapsår-14 454 699 kr
(-) Kvalificerande innehav utanför den finansiella sektorn                                                                                        – kr
Justeringar på grund av föreslagen utdelning                                                                                        – kr
Sammanlagda lagstiftningsjusteringar av kärnprimärkapital42 375 460 kr
Kärnprimärkapital42 375 460 kr
Övrigt Primärkapital– kr
Primärkapital42 375 460 kr
Supplementärkapital: instrument och avsättningar 
Kapitalinstrument och tillhörande överkursfonder                                                                                        – kr
Supplementärkapital                                                                                        – kr
Totalt kapital (totalt kapital= primärkapital + supplementärkapital)42 375 460 kr
K-faktor belopp2023-12-31
Kundrisk (RtC)431 218 624 kr
CMH214 601 937 kr
ASA216 616 687 kr
COH                                                                                        – kr
Marknadsrisk (RtM)1 789 606 kr
NPR1 789 606 kr
Företagsrisk (RtF)87 381 kr
DTF87 381 kr
TCD                                                                                        –   kr
CON                                                                                        –   kr
K-faktor kapitalkrav2023-12-31
Kundrisk (RtC)945 054 kr
K-CMH858 408 kr
K-ASA86 647 kr
K-COH                                                                                        –   kr
Marknadsrisk (RtM)143 168 kr
K-NPR143 168 kr
Företagsrisk (RtF)87 kr
K-DTF87 kr
K-TCD                                                                                        –   kr
K-CON                                                                                        –   kr
Totalt K-faktor kapitalkrav1 088 310 kr
Fasta omkostnader kapitalkrav2023-12-31
Föregående års fasta omkostnader156 630 555 kr
Kapitalkrav baserat på fasta omkostnader39 157 639 kr
Kapitalkrav (Pelare 1)2023-12-31
Permanent minimikapitalkrav7 587 000 kr
Kapitalkrav baserat på Fasta omkostnader39 157 639 kr
K-faktorkrav1 088 310 kr
Totalt kapitalkrav39 157 639 kr
Kapitalrelationer och buffertar2023-12-31
Total kapitalrelation108%
12 april, 2024Annex VI – Disclosure of own funds Spotlight GroupAdobe Icon
SPGR 21 SEK (1,94%)

Peter Gönczi

CEO and Board member

Born 1975
Elected to the Board in 2014

Peter Gönczi has been a board member since July 2014 and since June 2014 the CEO of Spotlight Group. Gönczi has a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics as well as more than 20 years of solid experience in the stock market for growth companies and the companies’ capital raising. Gönczi has worked centrally located in the through the development and growth of the Swedish market for listing growth companies – from telephone trading, news distribution via fax, limited rules and lack of investor protection, to today’s reality. Between 2000 and 2006, Peter Gönczi worked at NGM’s market surveillance and with NGM’s operations, early as head of information surveillance and then as head of NGM’s market surveillance and stock exchange administration. In 2006, Gönczi was appointed Deputy CEO of Spotlight Stock Market (then AktieTorget), a role that in 2011 led to Gönczi being appointed CEO. In his role at Spotlight Stock Market, Peter Gönczi has been a leader in business development, developed the entire organization and its staff, and built up routines, systems and collaborations. Since the group was formed in 2010, Gönczi has also been a leader in the group’s entirety and development. Peter Gönczi was a driving force in the Group’s rebuilding during the years 2012 to 2016 when the ownership was changed (and the current major owners took over), at the same time as Sedermera was restructured, changed and moved to Malmö. Since then, Gönczi, as CEO, has led the work with the entire Group’s development and positioning to the point where the Group stands today.

Holdings in Spotlight Group: Peter Gönczi owns, privately or through companies or related parties, 238,247 shares corresponding to 4.53% of the votes and capital, and 5,500 call options.

Other current board assignments:

  • Ependy AB, Chairman of the board
  • Markets & Corporate Law Nordic AB, board member
  • Sameve Invest AB, board member
  • Finreg Solutions AB, board member
  • Nordic Issuing AB, board member
  • Placing Corporate Finance Sverige AB, Chairman of the board
  • Shark Communication AB, board member
  • Sedermera Corporate Finance AB, Chairman of the board
  • Kalqyl Analys Norden AB, board member
  • Spotlight Stock Market, Chairman of the board



Dependence on the Company and management, but independent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders.